Every contribution directly supports full scholarships for
low-income Bay Area children!
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Strings, Winds, Brass, Percussion, Piano
YMCO welcomes instrument donations throughout the year as a part of our effort to address the needs of young musicians who play in the Choral Orchestra. Many of our students come to us without instruments and must depend on our limited resources to supply their needs. We need your help to provide our students with the necessary equipment to make great works of music, come to life.
If you have gently used instruments, please consider donating them to YMCO. If you do not have any instruments to donate, then please consider purchasing new instruments to give to children who cannot afford to buy one for themselves. You will put a smile on the faces of many!
A few rules of the road, apply:
Instruments must be playable. YMCO cannot afford to make major repairs on instruments to bring them up to playable condition.
Instruments must not have mold, rust or accumulated dirt inside or outside the body of the instrument. Mold can be a health hazard for our students. YMCO will clean donated instruments, within reason.
String instruments with extensive cracks in the body cannot be accepted.
Baby Grand Pianos cannot be accepted. Students do not have the required space for large instruments in their homes.
Small studio upright pianos are preferred (antique and/or spinet pianos are not accepted), due to small apartments where our students live. Please note that YMCO cannot afford to move pianos, so please consider providing your own moving services.
Donated instruments requiring appraisals cannot be accepted until appraisals have been acquired from a licensed vendor outside of YMCO. YMCO is not a licensed appraiser of instruments and cannot assign a value to any donated instrument.
A Letter of Receipt will be issued for each instrument. The letter will include the name of the donor, a description of the instrument, and the date when the instrument was given. The letter will not assign a value to the instrument.
Thank you in advance for considering instrument donation as a possible alternative for contributing to the
Young Musicians Choral Orchestra.